Archive for May, 2009

Creative Rest

Tuesday, May 12th, 2009

As all twenty of you may have noticed, there was not an illustrated caricature on Monday.  This is because my mind is blown and the creative gland is dry.  I’m hoping to get started back up soon and I promise there will be a comic next Monday at the very latest.

I’m proud of where this comic is going, and I’m looking forward to advertising.  I’m most proud that this is the first deadline I’ve missed in six months.  Many webcomics, even the more famous ones have difficulty making any deadlines!

So, to you, the Gentle Reader, I apologise for not providing quality humour with an eighteenth century twist, and am working hard to massage my broken creativitiy gland.

Until then, I am,

Your most Obedient and Humble Dude,


Artist and Exuberant Amateur Scholar