Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Dewey Defeats Truman

Monday, March 29th, 2010

I always wondered what went on at Dewey campaign HQ on election night in 1948.  Especially after their euphoria of winning the presidency was dashed to pieces when the full results came in.

Perhaps today’s comic lends us some insight?


Oh Well

Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

The imagination well ran dry, so enjoy this guest comic made by my younger sister!

Until next time, I am,

Your very exhausted artist,



Friday, April 2nd, 2010

Today’s comic is dedicated to those reading in the Baltimore region, to whom this joke has an added layer.

To those who live outside the abovementioned region, I’m sure you will enjoy the absurd imagery I have presented.

Happy Easter!  Enjoy your chocolate-egg-infused sugar highs.

I am, as always,

Yer ardisd, hon



Monday, April 5th, 2010

In reference to today’s comic…isn’t true, though?


Sillier Things

Friday, April 16th, 2010

Sometimes, I’ll come up with an idea that won’t let go until it makes it onto the site.

This is one of those ideas.


The Highest Levels

Monday, April 26th, 2010

Only the most agile of Kung-Fop practitioners are able to perform a flying kick without spilling a single drop of their tea.


Cinco de Mayonnaise

Wednesday, May 5th, 2010

In honour of Cinco de Mayo, here’s President Benito Juarez, who led Mexico through its war with France!




Friday, May 7th, 2010

I’ve been reading a lot of true-crime lately and suggest to you, the gentle reader, A Bright and Guilty Place.

It’s pretty much about Los Angeles and the creation of what would call “Noir.”  Its a fun, and as you can see, inspiring read!


Hole in the Head

Wednesday, May 12th, 2010

In regards to today’s joke:

Too soon?



Wednesday, May 19th, 2010

In regards to today’s comic, it is true! 

Edith Garrud, a suffragette in the UK, practiced her ju-jitsu on the hapless policemen of London who made the mistake of attempting to arrest her.

Edith’s story was referenced to me by my girlfriend, which inspired the above comic.

Until next time, I am

unschooled in the martial arts,
