Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

On this date…

Friday, May 21st, 2010

…in 996, Otto III became Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.



Back in the Pilot’s Seat

Friday, June 4th, 2010

So sorry for the delay in comic-making, I’ve been busy with work, etc, other things.

But I have not been idle in the comics arena!  I entered the Washington Post‘s “Next Great Cartoonist” contest.  So, wish me luck!

Enjoy today’s healthy serving of fish and puns.



Tuesday, July 20th, 2010

I’m so sorry for the long delay.  I’ve been working a new job.

To be honest, I contemplated dropping the comic altogether.  However, the simple act of drawing this single comic changed my mind.

At the very least, you all can expect at least one comic per week.

Thanks for being loyal!


Whoa, hey-o!

Monday, October 25th, 2010

So, what’s going on, you ask?

Lazy answer:  Not a clue.

Real answer:

Coming down off of a bit of a busy/uncreative spell and trying to get back on the ol’ regular-updates band wagon.

Speaking of which, someone should start hosting bands that perform in wagons.  That would be incredible.

The last few comics have taken a mountain of (mental) effort – when I dropped off updating, for every day I didn’t draw, I practically needed two days to become creative again.


Also, I’m sure you’re wondering about that one post, entitled “The Gamble.”  Another attempt at writing a storyline.

I have the unbelievable ability to start writing plots, and then drop them out of terror.  So, from now on, expect gags, less plot from me.

Unless you happen to be a comic writer in search of an artist.  Then I’m your man.  Plot away.

Until next Tuesday, I am,

an artist,


Your Undead Head of State

Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010

In case anyone at all, the Zombie monarchs that have risen to take revenge on their regicides are (from left to right) Charles I, Nicholas II, and Louis XVI.

Now, something I find fascinating is that after having Charles I beheaded, Cromwell instructed that the dead king’s head be sewn back on.

Anyway, enjoy this Halloween-themed comic two days after Halloween.



Das Joke

Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010

I like jokes that are subtle, but this is quite possibly my most subtlest.

Roundheads and Jacobins

Tuesday, December 7th, 2010

The English were removing the head of their king waaaay before the French made it cool.

And before the Guillotine made it so much more efficient.

