Observing The Rebel Lines
Friday — June 24th, 2011

Observing The Rebel Lines

Mr. Nicholas Kirkwood, journalist, and Colonel Joshua Cane, U.S.

To the Gentle Reader:

The Most Notorious Post

Pardon the filler, but yesterday it was in the 90s and thinking hard about a comic was not a priority.  So, here is Alistair as Stede Bonnet the Gentleman Pirate.

And in addition to sweating it out in the heat at work, I was also reading Captain Charles Johnson’s A General History of the Murders and Robberies of the Most Notorious Pirates. AVAST, ME HEARTIES!

I thoroughly reccommend to all my readers that they set sail to the forum over at The Hostelry!

Until next time I am,

Your most faithful and humble servant,

“Captain” S

Notorious vagabond and artist

The Hostelry

My good readers, may I present to you with great fan-fare, The Hostelry, our very own message-board for the discussion of a wide-array of topics, including, but not limited to, the most recent cartoon update, travel to the continent, and which wig powder is most in vogue.

I hope to see posts and comments from all twenty of my valued and loyal readers and look forward to sharing a pint of mild-and-bitter over at the bar!

You can find the link to Baroquen’s welcoming electronic-public-house to the left, or at here.

Until then, I am,

Your most obedient and humble Artist,


Artist and noted Pie Tosser

New England Webcomics Weekend

I will be first to admit that I have seriously dropped the ball.  Although, perhaps what I have done is violently shot it out of a cannon into the Grand Canyon.  In any case, myself, and my esteemed colleague, A, who did the vast majority of planning for this trip, will be present at this upcoming weekend’s festival of Internet-based cartoon jollilty.

As we are not quite famous or wealthy enough yet, the staff of Baroquen will not have a booth of any kind.  Considering that all twenty of the reading Gentry of this comic are unlikely to attend, makes the idea of getting a booth rather more absurd.  However, perhaps in a year, that may change.


If you really have your heart set on meeting myself or my esteemed colleague, I will likely be wearing a camel-coloured fedora.  There is also an associated Public-House Crawl which myself and A will attend on Friday, the 20th of March.  I may not be wearing the fedora that evening, but may instead be spotted wearing a British Second World War helmet.

If I meet one member of the Gentry I will be thrilled!

For more information on the New England Webcomics Weekend, click HERE!

Until next time, I am,

Your most faithful and obedient humourist,


Artist and noted Idler

Regarding the Alco-Log


Let me tell you, if I could get a sample size of 1,000 or more people with a years worth of Alco-log-ism, I could write a paper of NOBEL proportions!

So… if anyone out in internet land would want to aid me in my THIRST (haha) FOR KNOWLEDGE, try keeping an Alco-log! be sure to list you age, gender, employment status, marital status, number of children and any other information so that all variables can be properly regressed.  Then in the log itself, simply list the type of drink, how much consumed, and the date and time of consumption.

As of right now I have no initial hypotheses, but I am very interested to see if any correlations occur. 

If I can get no other volunteers for my mini-study, I’ll simply have to write a paper on the habits of my brother, which would be much less scientifically significant and Nobel Prize worthy, but still interesting.

Forever yours in science,



The Alco-Log

My colleague, A, ever the curious economist that she is, struck upon an idea for which to perform an experiment in household economics.  No, I don’t mean instructing teenagers how to clean a kitchen or bake a cake, but economics in the form of what goes into my liver.

Thus was born the Alco-Log. At first, I thought this a cruel way to point out I have a problem, which I don’t.  I’m a drunk, not an alcoholic.  Alcoholics go to meetings.

At first, this Alco-Log was to be a simple inventory of my liver abuse, but this is much too simple, A thought.  This has been upgraded to listing the source of the ale of which I consume, its price, and date of which I consume said tasty brews.  In addition, my dad has been recruited as well to suffer with me.  But, suffer is such a strong word.  My interest has been piqued by my colleague’s excitment over this experiment.  A delicious, hoppy, full-bodied, and creamy-headed experiment.


Creators’ Page

The creators’ page has now been establish’d! On such page, I have included an electronic post address through which our numerous readers may converse with myself and my esteemed colleague, A on any such matter that may concern this web-cartoon.

In other words, check it out!


Artist and General Layabout

Cast Page is UP!

Wait no more!  The cast page is finally up!  Now, all our twenty visitors can find out exactly what the hell is going on!

I invite all our gentle readers to waltz themselves in a genteel manner to the cast page and inspect it at their pleasure.


Artist and Purveyor of Reasonable Humour

Site Updatery!

To be specific, those who comment will now be able to upload their own avatars.  Now, when someone decides to comment, they need not allow themselves be represented by a little gray man!


Artist and Amateur Fisticuffsman

Shout Outs!

Hello People of the Internet:

We’ve been going at the Webcomickrey for a couple of months now, and I think we are really hitting a good stride.  I am very proud of what myself and especially my Brother Artiste have come up with. Oh and be sure that things will only get better! We are basically a newborn comic so we are learning so much every time we sit down to write, draw, and upload to the web.   With my excitement, I can’t help but to give a few shout-outs to those who have inspired us to get this far:

1. Mom and Dad — Despite their best efforts to push my brother and I away from possible careers in art, they have always supported our doodles, paintings and other mediums of expression.  I’m starting to rethink getting an MBA now… (MFA anyone?? just kidding :-0)

2. Our wonderful artist S. Kaufman, for I would never be as brave as him to draw that first comic strip and post it on the web for all the world to see.  For without him, we wouldn’t have a comic! These are all characters born of his imagination and his penmanship and without him, we would have NOTHING!

3. Batman, my favorite superhero EVER. Nuff’ said.

4. Mr. S. Kaufman, again, for being awesome

5. This one’s a biggie too, Halfpixel.  Formerly of halfpixel.com, currently of www.webcomics.com they are Mr. Kristofer Straub of www.starslipcrisis.com, Mr. Scott Kurtz of www.pvponline.com, Mr. Brad Guigar of www.evil-comic.com, and last but certainly not least Mr. Dave Kellet of the lovely www.sheldoncomics.com.  You should go read all of their archives and buy all of their stuff, like  I have.  They are all lovely gentleman who have published the wonderful book “How to Make Webcomics”.  You should buy that and read it too.  These guys really gave us the drive to put our stuff out there and see where it leads. I will always be indebted to these fellows. *bows*

6. And of course no list is complete without thanking you guys, you early adopters, please, keep on reading! Send us some suggestions on what you like, what you don’t like, maybe some encouragement, anything.  Maybe you want to mail me a dollar, hey, go ahead! I’ll take your dollar, sir, I’ll take your dollar and turn it into hilarity! So thank you so much for reading! You keep reading and we’ll keep working, hell we’ll keep working even if you don’t read, but Baroquen is proven to make you a more charming and tasteful individual so it really is in your best interest to keep reading 😉

So yeah, I’m still super excited about this strip. :D  I don’t mean to commit an act of hubris, but I think big things are on the horizon… watch out Halfpixel! Baroquen Industries and Pancake Farms are comin’ for ya!

On a side note, some other comics you should read which are personal favorites of mine and have inspired me to create are:

Wondermark @ www.wondermark.com

Dr. McNinja @ www.drmcninja.com

chainsawsuit (also by Mr. Straub) @ www.chainsawsuit.com

Penny Arcade @ www.penny-arcade.com

Least I Could do @ www.leasticoulddo.com

Achewood @ www.achewood.com

As for comics in print, I’m a big fan of The Boondocks, Get Fuzzy, and The Phantom (for different reasons 😛 ) Oh! And I don’t want to leave out The Venture Brothers on Cartoon Network.


And there is probably about tens of more comics I should list here, but I should get back to work 😉 Now, these are just my own influences, our resident artist and creator most likely has more and different influences from my own 😀

Keep on Keepin’ on and don’t stop believing,



Manager of Baroquen Industries

A tiny little division of Pancake Farms


Dear Internet;

The time has come for me to put a name plaque on my door in “La Plaza Internet” Hotel.  I’ve been having some troubles thinking of what I should use as my name on this here blog, and also I should use as my avatar. 

The following questions arrise:

1. Should I use a picture of myself? Or draw one? Or use a silly picture of something else?

2. What nickname to use? Is it dangerous to use my real name? Should I use a nickname? A pen name? Should it disguise my gender? Should I just remain A. Kaufman, Manager of Baroquen Industries?

From there I have so many nicknames to choose from, they range from the embarrassing to the obscure. They are derived from family pet names contrived from when I was a child all the way to names I use for my WoW character(s) (<– embarrassing) So… what to choose? AIM names? Family nicknames? One of the names I refer to myself as in my head? It’s tricky…

I will be discussing this with my compatriots, and this next blog I will most definately sign it with my new and (hopefully) permanent name for this wonderful comic for which we all have grown so fond of.

We’ve grown into this strip so much in the past months, and I hope you all stay tuned, for there are some new characters and some awesome storylines forthcoming.  So… feel free to put in your input and let us know how we are doing.

Peace, love, sunshine and rainbows,

A. Kaufman

Manager of Baroquen Industries

PS: Unicorn Giggles, too.